Fauxtographers That Make You Look Like Shrek!


Its been awhile since I have posted.  I’m really tired, dead tired actually.  My kids are honestly a handful.  They just scream and fight ALL day long.  Sometimes I just want to hide in a corner and cry!  I can see myself sitting in corner, hair frazzled, silently rocking back and forth, eating a chocolate bar while letting my tears roll into it!  I am not depressed…I am a MOTHER!  All those people that say “oh cherish this time, they grow up quick”, well I just want to kick them, kick em hard in the face!  Its not like I don’t appreciate their kind words but really I find it hard to muster the energy to fake a smile at their sentiments.  How can I?  I’m just envisioning kicking them remember?

With all this daily fighting going on I have to somehow miraculously find the time to fit in my work.  This involves returning client emails, meeting with them to go over wardrobe for images, crafting certain props, working on branding and the biggest chore….editing my pictures from sessions.  This really is my favorite task but the most time consuming.  I am very particular about how the pictures should look and have a perfectionist attitude towards them.  If this leads me to spending countless hours on just one image (like I did tonight) so let it be!  Honestly I hate badly edited pictures…..they elicit the same reaction from me as those well meaning people who say “cherish this time….”  Well you know what I want to do to the photographer right?! Kick them!  Now I realize this makes me sound like some major snob, for we all start somewhere.  By no means am I the worlds greatest photographer, no where close, but honestly if you place your subject amongst greenery ie grass, trees, shrubs and they look green in the skin because of the colour cast (tint of a colour, usually unwanted) it drives me crazy!  I would not want to look like an alien in my pictures so I would not pay someone who can not edit pictures either.  I’m seeing so many outdoor pictures like this by so called “professionals” and I cringe at the idea that they are being paid for making people look like Shrek!  Folks if you look like Shrek in your family portrait…..ask for your money back! It ain’t right!

Anyhow I don’t have much more to post about tonight…..don’t let that be confused with I don’t have plenty more to complain about though!

Off to bed, I have my first couples shoot tomorrow…..around plenty of greenery!

“Smitten With…..Gosh and Golly Shop”

Smitten with Gosh and Golly

Its my weekly obsession time folks, featuring my “Smitten with…” post.  Smitten with is a weekly blog post featuring just about anything that catches my attention…. well anything pretty that is!  This weeks feature comes to you from the Etsy shop Gosh and Golly.  Even their name is fun!  They make 3D mobiles and wall decals like the adorable one you see above.  The cool thing is its made with card stock!!!  Yes, that really did deserve three exclamation marks!  With over 700 sales they are obviously doing something right!  If you peak into their shop found here you will see many more designs.  Some of my personal favourites….the rainbow and cloud set (I was truly tickled pink!), raindrops, clouds, and umbrella set, and the hot air balloon set.  Oooh I want them all!  Of course my photographic imagination thinks a number of these would look great as a photography backdrop.  Place a bunch of these on blue backdrop paper and you would have a stylish set.  Anyone want to buy me a few?

Public Service Announcement…Why Little Girls (Or Anyone) Should not Dress Like a Stripper!


Spring weather has finally decided to humour us and make an appearance here in good ol’ Canada.  Granted it was a bit late but here none the less.  Along with the beautiful spring weather we see the emergence of other things letting us know we can finally come out of hibernation.  You see the signs of life growing on the trees, in the garden, people’s flower beds and every where else that was dead but God had brought back to life.  I know it is spring when I wake up in the morning to the smell of fresh cut grass (one of my favorite things) and I can hear the distant sound of a lawn mower in some ones yard.  I know it is spring when I hear the laughter of little kids riding on their bikes and playing hop scotch outside.  I know it is spring when I see McDonald’s advertising their $1.00 drinks all spring/summer long (big fat grin)!  But you know how else I know it is spring?  When I start seeing the emergence of girls and women in scantily clad clothes…sigh.  I sincerely mean this when I say that I love my fellow women…..my sisters in humanity.  With this love comes wanting what is best for everyone.  So I write this post with a certain amount of sadness that is weighing upon my heart.  A type of sadness that stems from knowing the fact that when my 11 year old and almost 3 year old daughters grow up, they’ll be raised in a generation that has absolutely NO VALUE for modesty.

Allow me digress just a bit to today’s uneventful event.  I picked my older daughter up from school and decided to take her to the local convenience store to get a cold drink.  As I was patiently waiting in my car for my daughter to come out of the store, the door opened and out came two little girls no more than maybe 14.  However the way they were dressed made me utterly sick.  I just remember seeing a little girl in white short shorts and a belly top!!!!  In case you are not familiar with a belly top or what I am talking about, imagine (ok maybe you shouldn’t lol!) a top that is so short that the entire midriff is exposed.  It was a neon orange belly top and she had a coordinating belly button ring on.  Naturally because I am human and not a DEAD carcass, my eyes went right to her midriff!  I honestly felt like getting out of my car and throwing a coat on this girl (or the alternative of slapping her…..that might have given me more joy!)   This little girl was exuding sexuality.  I begin thinking, as a normal woman, if that was MY reaction where immediately my eyes were drawn to her belly area, what would the reaction of any blue blooded man be?  Its obvious….they too would look, possibly stare, perhaps even get excited.  Now kindly please don’t give me this BS of “well men should control themselves, why is the blame always on the woman”  Read this and read it again and again and again until it sinks through…..BOTH parties are responsible for their actions.  Yes men should control themselves and many do, but that does not mean that the woman is removed from her responsibility’s of protecting herself by dressing in a manner that gives her some level of dignity.

Lets face it, young girls are being bombarded with images of sexuality at a younger and younger age as each decade slips through our hands.  Part of the problem is that we disapprove of little girls dressing this manner but refuse to accept or take responsibility that we are part of the problem.  If we as women…adult women chose to dress in short shorts, tanks, and such in the warmer months than we really have no right to complain about our younger generation being influenced by sexuality in the media.  If we as mommies can’t wear clothing that restores our dignity than we really should zip it because frankly we are not setting the right example of high morals filled with integrity.  What happened to wearing a light, but long flowy skirt in the warmer weather?  In fact if your argument is that you will feel hotter in it, I will call your bluff on that?!  Imagine this scenario…..you are wearing a t-shirt, driving your car, your arm is sticking out in the sun and the sun is directly hitting your skin.  Chances are you will feel hotter with bare skin opposed to something that provides coverage and protects you. Its really a no brainer!

Our society has become so obsessed with sexuality that recent statistics, research and polls say that 25% of American girls would rather be in and win “America’s Next Top Model” than win the Noble Peace Prize!  That is so disheartening to hear/read.  And the cause?  The sexualization and dumbing down of kids.  What do we expect when Mattel markets sleezy stripper pole hugging dolls like “The Bratz” and it is the mommies who buy this?  These disgusting dolls which are marketed to 4-8 year old girls demographic have huge lips that have the look of being surgically enhanced or botoxed to death, think tiny itty bitty waists, a sexy physique and a very sultry look to them.  What are we saying to our little girls?  That this is what female perfection looks like?  This unattainable unrealistic goal?  Just think about Abercrombie & Fitch marketing padded bikini tops to 8-year-olds and Vogue magazine’s sexually provocative photo shoot with Thylane Blondeau, then just 10-years-old.  The problem of marketing sex will not go away, at least not in our time…..so what can we do differently to make a difference?  Teach your girls that they are more than the sum of their parts….but just don’t pay it lip service…..practice what you preach my dear friends.  This is a “Public Service Announcement” that change starts at home, and if your little daughter sees you dressing in a more dignified and modest manner, it will leave some sort of impression on her.

“Smitten With…Nest Pretty Things Shop”

Oh yippy yi yay…..its that time again!  Its my weekly obsession time folks, featuring my “Smitten with…” post.  Smitten with is a weekly blog post featuring just about anything that catches my attention…. well anything pretty that is!  This week we bring to you (drum rolls please), the lovely creations of the Etsy shop Nest Pretty Things.  Go ahead, click on the name, I dare ya…. I dare ya to walk away without spending.  Shhh, please don’t tell your husbands’ about my blog ladies!  I realize I may be the source of all your wild spending in the future… well me and your total lack of self control 🙂 but really ladies, some secrets are honestly best kept quiet!  Anyhow Nest Pretty Things honestly carries the most feminine , soft and romantic jewelry I have EVER seen in my life!  I have never seen anything like it!  Even the way she stages and photographs her jewelry, I’m in love!  I love the way she pairs some of her necklaces with a simple white blouse in her pics, it gives it such an airy spring like feeling.  So ladies if you feel like teaching your husband a lesson because you are in a fight…..don’t hesitate to check out this shop and go wild with his card he he he!

Baby Mitchell Session


Ok so last nights post was a bit “heavy” to say the least.  I can’t stand narrow minded people and I for one will refuse to sit back and just quietly read and say nothing!  So lets lighten up the mood today shall we?!  How can one not just laugh looking at this marshmallow of a baby?!  That is my new term of endearment if I really like someone…..a marshmallow!  This little guy is related to Baby Cooper, someone I posted pictures and blogged about earlier.  Now this is what you call a family with good genes!!!!  Mitchell came in for pictures and we (Mommy and me) had a ton of fun.  It mostly consisted of me just laughing at him when he’d cry.  As his mommy says, he sounds like a tea kettle when he cries!  He really did….it was the cutest damn cry I have heard on any baby!  When my child cries, I cringe, she sounds like drowning cat, its no where as cute as Mitchell’s cry.  Anyhow we had fun throwing balloons at Mitchell to capture these pretty shots.  He only started crying when we took the balloons away……I’m sure he hates me now!  By now I hope my readers understand when they come to me, I’m not just only about getting pictures that are always posed with smiles…..sure I throw those in because we all like one or two of those shots but I like to capture a broad range of emotions.  It tells a story.  If and when possible I love to capture those raw emotions because it gives the parents something to remember about the personalities of their kids when they are all grown up. To see more pictures from Baby Mitchell’s shoot, head on over to my facebook fan page right here.

Rantings of a Not So Oppressed Muslim Woman


I’m feeling very agitated today.  I told myself to sleep on it before I write this piece, perhaps the feeling will go away or at the very least calm down a bit.   Well the feeling has not gone away nor has it subsided.  Let me explain.  Last night a friend private messaged me a link to someone else’s (someone I don’t know) Facebook wall to read an interesting thread.  On this thread it was a picture of a mother who had some tattoos, wearing shorts and a tank, holding a very little baby that was wearing the Muslim head dress called the hijab.  It was obvious the mother put it on the child just cause she thought it looked cute and snapped a picture….it was a photo opp and nothing more.  The mother took it off the little baby afterwards as she mentioned after much criticism only a million times, which all fell on deaf ears.  The mother was reduced to tears reading people’s crude comments…. I truly felt bad for her.  The mother herself was not Muslim, the father was.  She thought it was cute and was simply just playing around, much in the way every mom does with their kids when they dress them up in a cute outfit or put them in frilly tutus and such.  Anyhow the comments on this thread were HORRIFYING.  The blatant racism from the average white Canadian was too much to handle…..I felt like I stepped into a time machine and was thrown back 30 years to my grade schools days.  For the record….I am a  CANADIAN born Pakistani Muslim……born and raised in this society, went to grade school, high school and yes even university right here.  I am as Canadian as you can get……with a Muslim belief system which I am very proud of and you will be hard pressed to get me to feel ashamed of it!  With that being said……I grew up in a time when I was the only visible minority or one of a very few in the school and almost on a daily basis I was told to “go back home”, “go back to where you came from, you Paki” (Paki is a derogatory term used to put down Pakistanis much in the same way the “n” word is used for blacks or the socially unacceptable “k” word for Jews).  Needless to say I knew that these people did not think I was Canadian enough for them…..but what I do know now is that thinking stemmed from the teachings of really ugly people, the parents of these kids.  However I think it is a safe bet those kids have grown up and now are just as ugly in thinking as their parents were because racism is still alive and thriving and part of a vicious cycle that is taught.  There is always a new “villain” to hate.  There were the Jews, the Irish, the Polish, Blacks, Vietnamese….etc etc.  Now Muslims are the new kids on the block…..it is not cool to hate blacks, speak ill of Jews, dislike homosexuality…. but it is perfectly ACCEPTABLE to hate and speak out against Muslims and the religion of Islam but mask it with smoke and mirrors in the name of  “free speech!”  The free speech card is conveniently pulled out quite a lot when it comes to expressing hatred against Muslims!  This thread demonstrated just that…. people telling her that in their own subtle and not so subtle ways “disguised” under the false pretense of advice masked for what is really HATRED of something they have no clue about.  Something which Fox News, and CNN and all the magazines have told them on how to think.  Coincidentally all these major corporations, tv networks, magazines are owned by the same few people who have an invested interest in the Middle East and its politics.  The best way for them to win over their enemies is to “vilify” them in the media, which effects the average Jo’s heart……which in turn influences politics and what we value as a society as a whole.  They have done this over and over again and yet we as a society still don’t learn from this trick and tactic.  But enough about that, I will digress a bit…. on the thread I saw everything from the “mild” comments such as “poor girl” to far worse…..the proselytizing of one’s religious superiority  like the following comment….”if all my Muslim friends gave a chance to open their eyes and just knew a little about Christianity trust me they will all convert”   Oh really?  Why? Because you think I or any other Muslim for that fact are so unintelligent that we have not studied our religion?  Because you think that we have been “forced” to follow it?  Keep in mind that force you speak of is nothing but another lie carefully manipulated and fed to you, shaping your thought patterns against Muslims which is just what the media WANTS!  They have won over you in their campaign of hatred because your thinking is now “controlled”.  Muslims follow Islam because it is SIMPLE…..yes I said that…. it is simple 🙂 …..there is ONE God…..Allah.  Allah is not another god but simply the Arabic word for God.  Just like Jehovah witness’ say the word Yahweh, it does not mean they believe its another God but simply Yahweh is God in another language.  The Islamic faith is simple because at its core the central belief is that God is one, and he alone deserves ALL the worship, not partial worship divided in three but ALL of it because he created us, knows what is best for us and is worthy of it.  There is no confusion of three in one, one in three dogma as in other religions etc etc.  Simple see?!  So to say that if all Muslims “opened their eyes” and they would convert is an insult to our intelligence.  Its the assumption that we don’t know anything about other religions and have been brainwashed to follow this religion.  In fact in our religion it says and actually “encourages” one to study and ASK questions about one’s faith.  To not blindly follow.  Perhaps as Muslims we believe in our faith because not only is it simple which makes sense, but it is very disciplined.  Worship of God is not reduced to a once a week ritual but rather a daily practice of praying five times a day at scheduled times.  Humans have to and should question the PURPOSE of life.  Is it to live for the weekend and party?  Is it to go shopping?  Is it to just earn money?  Live day to day?  There has to be something MUCH more than just THAT!  Muslims believe the purpose of life is to worship God in ALL our ACTIONS……ALL the time!  For a great resource and understanding of this I would recommend this link……I know it is a bit long but I GUARANTEE that many of you will have a greater understanding of that which some of you fear and some of you just misunderstand.  Anyhow as I mentioned we believe that the purpose of our lives is to worship God in all our actions……ONE of these is modesty!  This is a concept that alludes many now a days in a society who’s values are constantly changing from year to year, decade to decade, century to century…..(you get the point).   We can go out and see billboards advertising shampoo using SEX!!!!!  How the two even connect baffles the brain.  We sell and advertise cars in a titilating manner using scantily clad partially naked women.  Does that naked woman come with the car?….does she make the car go faster?  Does she increase the value of the car?   Hmmmm?  As you can see, societies values are CONSTANTLY EVOLVING.  Decades ago you would never find a woman who would disrespect herself in that manner.  But that is exactly the problem, when you base your values on a system that is constantly evolving your values will evolve too….I think a more accurate word would be “de-evolve”  A good example of this is the Brazilian bathing suits!  Can you even call that a bathing suit?!…. can we call it a cheese string instead?  That society sees no wrong in it!  It is a society that has slowly with time “de-evolved” and foolishly think they are  now “liberated.”  This is the same path our society is slowly going down.  This is why Muslims base their values of modesty on what God has said…..because it does NOT CHANGE due to the whims of people and society…it is CONSTANT.  I wear my hijab  just like Mary the mother of Jesus did FIRST because I have been commanded to by God and we believe he knows what is best for his creation so therefore we obey.  However if that is not a good enough reason for you (it is enough for me!) I would like to point out the benefits of it.  It is concept meant to protect women, men and society as a whole.  So when I put my hijab on I wear it with pride because I know that I do it because my body is not a public commodity.  My self worth is not based on the desires of men nor is it based on an unattainable goals the magazine and Hollywood industries put out.  You see when I put on my hijab which I wear around men who I am not related to, I tell the world that you MUST respect my MIND, my INTELLECT and judge me on THOSE merits… much like you would with most men…..not on how slim I am, beautiful, and all other things that are artificial.  Therefore I “reclaim” my sexuality and refuse to let others reduce me to the sum of my parts.  I know what you are probably thinking…..”what about the men?”  The men are told FIRST in our teachings to value modesty, they are told this before women.  This is why you will have a tough time finding a “practicing” Muslim man wearing a cheese string 🙂 (ewwww)!  Men are told to lower their gaze when they see women they are not related to.  This is a protection and means of showing respect to the woman!  YES, there is that word…. RESPECT!  I feel like busting out into Aretha Franklin’s R.E.S.P.E.C.T. song now…..damn it!  Anyhow men are not excluded from this virtue…. to protect themselves and dress in a modest manner.  The hijab is not an oppressive tool as so many of you have been told to believe sadly…. it is a means to LIBERATE me and other women from the shackles of desires.  Now wearing hijab is not something that is compulsory on a child…. if a mother puts it on her child like the woman I am speaking about above, it is simply because she’s playing around……but it only took that one little thing to bring out the HATE in so many people on the thread.  The comments that make me laugh are the one’s along the lines of when someone insults another race and says “I’m not racist…..I have many black (insert Muslim here) friends but… blah blah blah!”  Well if it smells like crap, looks like crap, guess what?! It IS crap!  Sorry!  Modesty is something that is compulsory in our religion and I refuse to let the masses make me feel ashamed for that.  The people I love the most are those who ask questions in the most sincerest manner.  It shows they have a REAL desire to learn.  I don’t care for those people who ask crude questions because frankly its a bit obvious…..they don’t want to possibly change their mind or opinion on a matter…. they just simply want to win an argument and really nothing more.  Those people will be, and always will be nothing more than “controlled” sheep that follow the masses.

Who Gives a “Hoot?!”


I love anything thats pretty!  I suppose thats what drew me to photography….the ability to capture a moment and add to the beauty of it.  I spend a lot of time on Pinterest…..god its so damn addictive!  Like I need anything else in life to obsess about!  Anyhow I’m usually on there for a little bit of inspiration.  I love seeing how other people are “stylizing” their portrait sessions.  I came across a picture of this absolutely beautiful cake and it came in the prettiest colours (fyi I’m Canadian….yes I say “eh” a million times and we spell our words with “ou” opposed to just the “o”)!  This cake pictured above caught my attention just because I love pastel so much…..the pale yellow mixed with the minty blue green are just colours (there is that darn “ou” again) that soothe me.  Of course I went on a mad hunt looking for other owl cakes…..and believe me there are a lot of owl cakes out there.  Who knew it was such a popular theme!  Anyhow I thought wouldn’t the cake on the left be lovely pictured in an owl themed cake smash shoot?  Man that would get messy but who gives a HOOT, EH?!!!

Baby Cooper Session


I met this young fellow very recently when his mother brought him in for a photo shoot.  His mother had sent me a couple of cell phone pics of him before the shoot with him and his gummy little smile!  I mean this boy’s smile was really contagious even through the screen, I caught myself smiling back at him!  Anyhow needless to say that is what I was expecting to walk in through the doors and initially that is who I met.  As the session started mommy placed lil’ man Cooper on a little baby sized couch which is no higher than six inches off of the ground.  He was fine for  a few seconds but than he tumbled off.  He didn’t hurt himself, mommy was near by of course but he did get startled.  That set the mood for the duration of the shoot……HOWEVER I can’t exactly say I was upset that Cooper wasn’t constantly smiling.  I mean he did give us a few smiles here and there but honestly his other expressions were priceless!  Just take a look above and see for yourself…..I’m absolutely in love with those big brown eyes of his!  In the very bottom right picture it almost looks like he’s saying “don’t you DARE take another picture of me lady!!!!”  He was intimidated by the studio lights so we got a range of expressions out of him!  What I have learned and want to express to others is don’t be disappointed if your baby or child is not cooperating.  Sometimes those frowns make the best pictures!  To see more pictures from Baby Cooper’s shoot, head on over to my facebook fanpage right here!


I have been VERY busy lately!  My business cards came in and I must say I LOVE them!  I have been working on my website as well.  It has a feminine “whimsical” sort of charm to it!  I’ve carried the same theme/picture throughout that you see above in the blog header into everything from my site to my cards.  I’m getting pretty excited to launch the site as well.  I have several shoots coming up in the next few weeks so I need to edit those pictures and post them to the site portfolio and then I will launch hopefully!  I’ve learned a number of interesting things along the way in the last few weeks as well.  A friend who is into “business coaching” helped me narrow down my “target” audience through a really interesting exercise.  She said something that totally caught my attention which was “you can have an amazing chef, someone who is trained in the culinary arts, who makes great food…but his restaurant is not doing well, its failing…..why?”  Of course I didn’t know the answer but she was kind enough to share (she really had no choice…..I would wrestle her to the ground and beat her senseless had she not….and she knows that!!!) She said that it was simple “he’s not a businessman, he hasn’t realized that his talent is a small part of the business and the rest is marketing!”  Marketing and knowing who to market to is the bigger part of the business than the pure talent itself.  This is not to say that a photographer or whomever else should not spend time perfecting their craft…..they should….for photographers that is what sets them apart from being a professional and someone who is a person with just a really nice dslr! I can’t tell you how many times I hear “oh you must have one of those really nice cameras….I must get one of those!”  Little do they realize that is not the case!  Any monkey could pick up a dslr camera and start shooting in “auto” but they just won’t get the same effect as someone who knows what they are doing with that really nice toy!  I just spend a lot of time reading tutorials, practicing, knowing how to properly expose a picture in each and every lighting condition, perfecting my editing skills and so much more that keeps me on top of my game!  I love the art of photography and thought like most others that my work will speak for itself (and in a lot of cases it probably will) but now I realize that those professional photographers I see that are household names in my line of work, they have spent a crazy amount of time on the business end of things to get their name out!  What does this mean for me? Simple…..more late nights building my brand!  Until next time!


Business Cards

Business Card Front for blogBusiness Card Back for blog

I don’t know how I have survived without business cards this far! Granted I just started my business a little while ago but to not have cards is like breaking some kind of cardinal rule isn’t it?! Well I took some time out my busy schedule of wiping my children’s runny noses, feeding, changing, laundry, cooking, homework, playing referee (ALL the time!), driving what feels like a school bus of children (are you still reading this?!) and so much more to work on my business card design. I obviously wanted it to match the look of my Facebook page, blog, and website. Oh yeah, did I tell you about the website? I’m working on that too! Of course I only get to do this into the wee hours of the night…..when the house is silent, and no child is tugging at my leg! I enjoy the night A LOT! My children have driven me to seek solace in the dark! Yes they drive me crazy, insane you might say, but I still love them. But don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my “me time” just a little bit more!